Friday, 14 February 2014

Liebster Award!

Hey guys!
I have been nominated by Pam Ramirez for the Liebster Award!
As a new blogger this is so exciting as it means my blog is actually getting out there and people are enjoying it =]
You can check out Pam Ramirez's blog simply by clicking on her name, its awesome.

The rules are:

  • You must link back to the person who nominated you.
  • You have to answer the questions given to you.
  • You have to pick 11 nominees and create a set of 11 questions that they must answer.
  • You can't nominate the person that nominated you.
  • You have tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you. 

Here are my answers:

1. Why did you become a blogger?
I became a blogger after my friend showed me her blog. I was quite intrigued and decided to try it out for myself.

2. 2 random facts about yourself:
I have been riding horse for around 16/17 years.
I drive a Renault Clio.

3. What is your favourite movie?
My favourite film would have to 2 fast 2 furious.

4. Name one thing you couldn't leave the house without: 
Definitely my car keys!

5. Would you rather watch a horror movie or comedy movie?
Depending on my mood, it is normally horror.

6. If you could date a celebrity, who would it be?
Unfortunately, the celeb that I would have dated has passed away (R.I.P Paul Walker) so next in line would have to be Justin Timberlake.

7. What is your favourite colour nail varnish?
I have one that I wear all the time and it is 'electric purple'.

8. If you won a million pounds, what would you do with it?
I would buy a house with lots of land for my horses, and also buy a nice 4x4 car in blue.

9. Lipstick or lipgloss?
Definitely lipgloss.

10. Who is your YouTube guru?
I don't particularly have one as I prefer to read that watch.

11. Would you rather read a book or watch TV?
Again it depends, I will read a good book if there is nothing interesting on TV, but I would put the book down if there was something I wanted to watch.

My Nominees:
1. @nathalie-kemna - Nathalie Kemna
2. @queenofjetlags - Noor
3. karleighgenesfashionscene - Karleigh Corridon
4. @littleredmaple - Jaime Livingstone
5. @dangerouslydelilah - Delilah Samson
6. @YouGotAFriendInMe - Nicole Egan
7. @emanimone - Emani Mone
8. @amyelizabethfashion - Amy Lyons
9. @musicandeyeliner - Faith Castle
10. @shimmerlashes-x - Chloe Lofthouse
11. @fizzing-whizbees - Kate Lily

I have nominated these people as I find their blogs interesting reads! I look forward to reading all the response my nominee's put. Thank you to Pam Ramirez for the award and people should check out her blog, its awesome! 

(Questions for nominee's are below)

1. Why did you start blogging?

2. What is the meaning behind your blog name?
3. What is your favourite genre of music?
4. What is your favourite beauty brand and/or product?
5. What is your favourite hobby?
6. Favourite colour eyeshadow?
7. Where in the world would you like to live?
8. What are you best looking forward to in Spring '14?
9. What is your favourite animal?
10. Your make-up wish list:
11. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be?

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